Magellan's Cross Shrine

Magellan’s Cross is perhaps the most famous relic in Cebu City. Whenever one person speaks about Cebu City, the talk usually leads to Magellan and to his cross that he planted in the shores of Cebu. Many visitors, both foreigners and Filipinos, never miss the chance of dropping by the shrine where Magellan’s Cross could be found.

How to Go to Magellan's Cross Shrine?

The shrine is just some few steps away from the Minor Basilica of the Santo Nino. Facing the basilica, all you have to do is to walk straight to your left. The shrine is easily recognizable from a distance.

The Shrine of Magellan’s Cross. 

What to See in Magellan's Cross Shrine?

Inside the shrine is the famous cross of Magellan. According to the inscriptions beneath the cross, the cross that is being displayed inside the shrine is made of Tindalo wood that encases the original cross planted by Ferdinand Magellan. However, some doubt that the original cross still exists because some say that the Cebuanos burned the original cross after the Spaniards were driven away.
Magellan’s Cross stands on the site where the original cross was erected by Magellan in 1521. 
Painted on the ceiling of the shrine is the scene that relives the moments of the erection of the cross on Cebu Island.
The same scene could be found on a painting displayed inside Fort San Pedro.

Sinulog Dancers

Aside from Magellan’s Cross, the shrine is also famous because of the Sinulog Dancers, who dance in front of the cross while uttering the prayers or petitions of shrine visitors. The dancers can be asked to perform by anyone by paying a fee. The fee is based on the number of candles that the dancer will light up during her dance. The more candles that you ask for, the higher their fee is.
 A dancer praying in behalf of a tourist.
When visiting Magellan’s Cross, never miss seeing the Sinulog Dancers do their prayers.


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Fort San Pedro, Cebu City

Fort San Pedro is the smallest and oldest fort in the Philippines. This stone fort was established by the Spaniards using Cebuano laborers under the leadership of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. Fort San Pedro is used by the Spaniard to repel the attacks of Moro pirates on Cebu. Because of this, the fort became the nucleus of the first Spanish settlement in Cebu City area.

Archeological records revealed that there is already a settlement present on the area before Fort San Pedro was established.  At first, the fort was built of palisade wall made of wood, which is very much similar to the first forts established by Europeans when they are colonizing the Americas. During the American colonization, the fort became part of the Warwick Barracks, which is a garrison established by the American military. In 1917, it was turned over to the municipal government of Cebu which used the fort as the clubhouse of the Cebu Garden Club, Cebu City Zoo, and as government offices. It is declared as a national shrine and one of the well-visited spot in Cebu City.
  Fort San Pedro, Plaza Independencia, Cebu City

The fort as first established by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.

The fort is made of stone walls just like in Intramuros. Unlike Intramuros, Fort San Pedro is smaller and triangular in shape. Two sides of the triangle are facing the sea while the third side is facing Cebu City. Cannons and guns were mounted on each wall so effectively destroy any enemies that are trying to capture it.

 Attack at your own risk.

How to Go to Fort San Pedro

The easiest way to reach Fort San Pedro is by riding a taxi, which is plentiful in Cebu City. However, if you are already in the vicinity of the Magellan’s Cross Shrine or the Cebu Cathedral then I recommend that you walk. Just ask any locals, preferably the security guards, and tell them that you want to go to Fort San Pedro or the Plaza Independencia. Be warned that Plaza Indepencia is currently under renovation. The renovation may confuse you that you are going to some construction site while walking towards the fort.

Entance Fee

 You pay here.

To enter Fort San Pedro, you have to pay Thirty (30) pesos per person. There is no time limit for staying inside Fort San Pedro. Just remember that littering is strictly prohibited inside the fort.

What to See Inside Fort San Pedro?

There is nothing much to see inside Fort San Pedro as compared to Intramuros. Before entering the fort proper, visitors can see the pictures hung on the walls at the entrance area. The pictures depicts the history of Cebu City, from the landing of Ferdinand Magellan until the Japanese Occupation. There are also images of what the fort looks like as the time goes by, from the simple palisade structure in the early Spanish period until the fully restored stone fort that is present now.

Other things to see inside the fort are the old guns that were used to defend the fort from its enemies. The guns are similar, but smaller, to those mounted on the wall of Intramuros.

The fort is also a good spot to look for the Spanish architecture during the height of its empire. The walls, the lay-out of the fort, and the design are planned by Spanish architects and mirror the architectural trend of the time.

 Top of the gate to the fort. See the image of Santo Niño on the top of the seal.

 This is the top of the walls of Fort San Pedro.

 Fort San Pedro has a well-kept garden inside. :-)


Manny Pacquiao Wins Again

Manny Pacquiao did it again!

He won another battle much to the jubilation of his fellowmen here in the Philippines and abroad.

Manny Pacquiao defeated Joshua Clottey by unanimous decision.

What dismayed the audience is the fact that Clottey did not gave a good fight. He just go on the defensive.

Now I am sure that the media frenzy about Manny Pacquiao’s fight will go on for more than a week. That Pacmom’s popularity will rise.

Hooray for Manny.

Now who is his next opponent? Will the cowardly Mayweather step forward and fight Manny Pacquiao?
