Pray for Bohol and Cebu

Around 8:30 this morning I was awakened by the shaking in our hotel room here in Cagayan de Oro. I thought I was just imagining things but the truth dawn on me when I saw the curtains, the flat screen TV and other things shaking. There's an EARTHQUAKE.

No bad thing happened to me and my travel companion. The shaking stopped after a minute so we felt that were saved. That was good news for us but the bad news is that our kababayans in Bohol and Cebu were severely affected.

It was reported that some people died. Many structures collapsed  including the very old churches.
Churches in Bohol damaged by the October 2013 earthquake
(Source: Carlos Antonio Palad)

These churches were built during the Spanish period and they have been part of history of the Boholanos and Cebuanos. I visited a few of these churches, specifically the Baclayon Church and the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño.

It is so sad that these heritage sites were already gone. It is also sad that so many perished.

What happened to our country this morning is heartbreaking but this should not be the cause of utter despair. There is still hope because God is listening.
Image of Mama Mary at Baclayon Church
(Source: Walking in the SacRed PaTh with Jesus)

So let us call upon our Lord and ask His aid for the sake of our kababayans in Bohol and Cebu. Let us ask our Lord to have to the Filipino people.

At the same time, let us do what we can to help those who were affected. Gather clothes, food, medicines, toiletries and money that can be donated to earthquake victims.

Pray and act, that's what we can do for the sake of our kababayans.

May the Lord have mercy to all of us.


For more info about fault lines and earthquakes in the Philippines, please read my post about PHIVOLCS list of fault lines and maps. I also have another post about the Marikina Fault Line that may cause great damage in Metro Manila.

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