
Visita Iglesia: EDSA Shrine

The golden-colored image of our Lady always catch my attention whenever I pass through EDSA – Ortigas. The huge image of Mama Mary serves as landmark for the People Power Revolution of 1986 that toppled the rule of President Ferdinand Marcos.

Many people remember EDSA as a peaceful event where hundreds of Filipinos gathered along Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA). The peaceful gathering was initiated by Cardinal Sin, who called the Filipino faithful to protect the Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos. Inspired by that event in the Philippines, People in the Eastern Bloc did their own people power revolution and toppled the Soviet governments.

What was forgotten is the fact that the People Power Revolution of 1986 is also a miraculous event. Unlike the “Occupy Movements” that are fashionable these days, the People Power Revolution was attended by many Filipinos armed with their faith in God. Many people brought their rosaries, prayer books and images of Mama Mary. Prayers were raised to God during the whole revolution. Many people saw miraculous events. God, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, answered their plea. The dictator left the country without any bloodshed.

The large image of Our Lady was then erected to pay homage to Mama Mary who never ceased to help the Filipino people, especially during the turbulent times in our history. The peaceful outcome of the 1986 People Power Revolution is the reason why the shrine was officially named as the “Shrine of Mary, Queen of Peace.”
Image of Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace on the rooftop of EDSA Shrine

I got the chance to visit EDSA Shrine after I attended a conference at Crowne Plaza Galleria. The church is small and “new” compared to the first three churches I featured in this year's online Visita Iglesia. Paintings on the shrine's ceiling depict the events during the People Power Revolution of 1986. EDSA Shrine is serene, which is unlike the hustle and bustle of EDSA and Ortigas Business District.

Unfortunately, I don't like the crucifix at the altar of EDSA Shrine.
Altar of EDSA Shrine

What I don't like is the image of crucified Christ, which is made of “multifaceted” green-colored glass. The image is lighted during the evening, giving it a greenish glow. I might appreciate EDSA Shrine's image of the crucified Christ if it is displayed at an art exhibition but not at the altar. I still prefer the usual image of crucified Christ sculpted from wood or stone.

The outside walls of EDSA Shrine, along EDSA, has artworks that depict the two people power revolutions.
People Power artworks outside EDSA Shrine

There is a sort of garden at the top of EDSA Shrine. I  visited the garden and had a good view EDSA. I also had a good view of the back of Mama Mary's image.
Back of Mama Mary's image at EDSA Shrine

I appreciate the location of EDSA Shrine. It is very accessible to people working in Ortigas Business District. Most of the people I saw inside the church are employees at Ortigas. It is good that there is a church that they can go to after a hard day's work.


Visita Iglesia is a Catholic tradition of visiting seven churches during Maundy Thursday. For each day, this Holy Week, I will feature one church as a sort of virtual Visita Iglesia.

May the Lord deepen our faith in Him this Holy Week! Amen.


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