
Visita Iglesia: Santa Cruz Church

Let us go now from the ancient church of Binondo Chinatown to another church at the other end of Ongpin Street. That church is the Santa Cruz Church.
Santa Cruz Church

What I love most with this chrch is that the Holy Eucharist is exposed not in a Perpetual Adoration Chapel, which are usually located on the side of the main church, but on the altar. Yep! Parishioners of this church has the privilege to be with Jesus Christ inside the the main church.

I always drop by Santa Cruz Church whenever I am in the area just to be in the presence of the Holy Eucharist.

Another thing that I like with Santa Cruz Church is the painting at the altar.
Altar of Santa Cruz Church

Painted on the wall of the altar is a lamb, which represents Jesus Christ, with the living water flowing freely to the tabernacle. I am awed with this painting because it perfectly represents what the Lamb had given us, wretched being as we all are. Through His sacrifice, the living water flowed freely and all we have to do is to open our hearts and accept it.

The first structure of the church was established by the Jesuits in 1619. The Jesuits enshrined the image of Our Lady of the Pillar, of which there are aconsiderable number of devotees. Santa Cruz Church is currently run by the priests of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament.


Visita Iglesia is a Catholic tradition of visiting seven churches during Maundy Thursday. For each day, this Holy Week, I will feature one church as a sort of virtual Visita Iglesia.

May the Lord deepen our faith in Him this Holy Week! Amen.


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