
A Box of Pasalubong from HenLin

My brother, in a usual case of generosity, brought home this box from HenLin:
A box from HenLin

I did not wonder what is inside the box. I know that this box contains siopao. I was not wrong.
Six pieces of HenLin siopao
Six pieces of HenLin siopao.

I expected the box to contain siopao because I have heard HenLin’s radio advertisements a lot of times. The advertisement always mentions siopao because it is HenLin’s specialty.

The siopao that my brother brought is too few. That is why I only got a piece of siopao.
HenLin bola-bola

Oh well, one is better than none.

I am not sure, at first, if the siopao is  bola-bola and the asado flavors. What I got, if I remember it right, is bola-bola.

I definitely agree with HenLin’s radio ad that their siopao is delicious. But I think it is not that special and the bola-bola siopao that I tasted is almost the same as the other siopao offered by other shops.

HenLin website shows that another siopao available is the Hong Kong Style Siopao. Maybe this siopao is the special siopao of HenLin. I definitely would like to taste this siopao. I hope that my brother brings home another box from HenLin and I hope the contents are Hong Kong style siopao.


  1. nice another food review ha thank for sharing

  2. I love Henlin's HK style asado siopao! It's one of my comfort foods. =)

  3. What is bola-bola? LOL! In Malay language bola-bola means balls : )

  4. MeCoy

    You are welcome. :-)


    Cool! Now I definitely want to taste HenLin's HK style siopao.


    Bola also means ball in Filipino language. Bola-bola siopao has meatballs in it.

  5. That looks like our steamed paos (buns)...

  6. Suitapui

    You are right. This siopao is the same (I think) as the siew pao in your place.

  7. go to wan kee bakery for siopao bola-bola

    1. Thanks for the tip. :-) Where is Wan Kee Bakery located?


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