
Let us Offer Spiritual Bouquet for Pope Benedict XVI

Dear friends, especially to all of my Catholic brethren, may I ask a great favor from you. May I ask that you offer a spiritual bouquet for the Vicar of Christ, Pope Benedict XVI.

Considering the great cares of the Holy Father for being the leader of the Catholic Church, I am sure that he need all the prayers of the Catholic faithful to keep him strong and guard him from his enemies.

I remember the time when the Pope was attacked left and right when his words, in a interview book, was twisted to suit the stand of the secular media, with vested interests, regarding the use of condoms. I remember how the Pope was insulted and used his words to sow confusion among the Christian world.

I ask you, dear brethren to offer a spiritual bouquet for him. A simple prayer will be good but there other ways or things that we could offer for our Pope's sake.

Head to Fr. John Zuhlsdorf blog and join in offering spiritual buoquets for our Pope.

The Enemy of the Lord is amassing his forces and his poised to atack. The only way to destroy his plan is to faithfully ask God for help to protect us and also the guide the Pope.


  1. Ya, we pray for the Pope during mass every Sunday and we should always remember him in our prayers especially during these trying times. It is good to offer this special prayer for him - a much needed spiritual bouquet.

  2. Thank you very much STP. ^_^

    I am glad to receive a positive comment for you.

    May the Lord shower you and your loved ones great blessings!

  3. Walang makakatalo sa mga taong malakas ang pananalig sa Panginoon. Lalo na kung pinalilibutan siya ng dasal galeng sa ibang tao. :)

    i'm glad i have a religious friend like you kuya ish... na kahit paano may mga posts kang related sa Catholicism so nababasa ko rin pag bumibisita ako. :)


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