
Ninong All Over Again

Baptism, especially Catholic Baptism, is a solemn and serious ceremony. It is a holy sacrament of the Church. Those who are taking part in it should be strong in their resolve to do what they promise to God during the baptism. The mother, the father, and the godparents should have no hesitation whatsoever to accept the responsibility of rearing the child into a worthy person in the eyes of God.

I am talking about baptism because one of my not-so-close friend and neighbor invited me to be the godfather of his daughter the night before the baptism. Obviously, I was trapped not to decline his invitation unless I want to put enmity between him and me.

I was disappointed in the day of the baptism. The parents are not ready and the other ninongs and ninangs (godfathers and godmothers) are not serious. Apparently, the parents do not understand what they are subjecting their daughter into.
Catholic baptism

Catholic Baptism is not just an event when the priest pours water on the head of the baby. It is the event consecrating the child into the Church, the bride of Jesus Christ. In this sacrament, the Holy Spirit comes down to bless the child and usher the child’s entry to the Catholic family.

Aside from the grace accompanying this sacrament is the responsibility for the parents and the godparents to guide the child to grow into a faithful Christian.

However, I had seen that that truth did not sunk in to the hearts of the parents and other godparents because they are still in their teens. They are still immature, biologically and spiritually to the faith. It even baffled me why did the parents, who are both members of other religions, allowed their child to have a Catholic baptism. Yes, they are being prodded by the child’s grandmother but if you stand in your faith is strong enough then you will not allow your child to be baptized in other church. I have a feeling that everything for them is just “wala lang” (nothing) even in caring for their baby.

My second godchild came to me in a disappointing way, but I believe that God is giving me a responsibility and a chance to help this child grow pleasing in His eyes. A person worthy of His love. Because of this, I am taking her as a challenge. If her parents are not serious for her, then I am serious as his godfather. (So help me God).


  1. I believe I got over 15 godchildren and I hate it for the fact that most of them aren't really the children of my friends or anyone i have close relationships with. Karamihan sa kanila ay anak ng mga kakilala ng nanay ko or business costumers na hindi ko naman kakilala personally. They have this thinking that in my mom's age she's more "bagay" to be the godmother of wedding couples and not newborns. And to still stay connected to her, they get me instead. May hidden agenda.. Hmm.. I love babies though. At masarap isipin na ikaw ang 2nd mother nila. :)

  2. yer a good godfather :D sana ninong din kita :)

  3. @TIN

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Ok na yan na ikaw ang ninang ng mga babies kesa gawin kang ninang sa kasal. :-P

    Pero, pangit nga naman yung di mo kilala yung parents ng aanakin mo. Paano mo gagampanan yung responsibility mo as a godparent. Masama nun yung iba sa Pasko lang nagpapakita! Pangit yung ganun.

    @patty (a.k.a tappy)

    At gusto mo pa akong maging ninong ha. Kuya mo na lang ako tappy. O kaya ninong mo sa kasal. Matagal pa naman yung kasal mo right?


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