
North Thailand Road Trip (Part 6): Our Moon and Sun Hotel Experience (Chiang Rai)

The best thing to do after a whole day traveling is SLEEP. No night life. No going to bars. Just SLEEP. Apparently, my travel companions have the same idea so after eating fried bugs in the night market Yam and J (the Thai and Filipina) couple brought us to Moon and Sun Hotel.

Moon and Sun Hotel in Chiang Rai

Me and our Myanmar friend were assigned to a room with two bedrooms.

Our Room in Moon ad Sun Hotel in Chiang Rai, North Thailand

We had a good sleep! The place is not noisy even though it stands along the highway. I bet that the only noise that the Myanmar friend heard during the night was my over-the-top snore (which I usually unleash when I’m too exhausted). My roommate didn’t complain. I think he had a good sleep also.

Dark corridor in Moon and Sun Hotel, Chiang Rai

Moon and Sun Hotel is one the oldest hotel in Chiang Rai. It was started by Temsiri Powwattana as a 14-room hotel along Singhaklai Road.1 Now it has free WiFi, cable TV, and other amenities that a budget hotel can offer.

Logo of Moon and Sun Hotel, Chiang Rai, North Thailand

Yam did all the transactions so I have no idea how much each room costs.

What I like with this hotel is its cleanliness. Of all the places in this hotel, my favorite would be the lobby.

Lobby of Moon and Sun Hotel, Chiang Rai, North Thailand

Yam, J, our Myanmar friend, and I had no complaint against this hotel. We had a good sleep and we’re fully recharged for another day of road trip. Because of our good experience, I give Moon and Sun Hotel a thumb up and I recommend them to all tourists visiting Chiang Rai.

Moon and Sun Hotel’s address is 632 Singhaklai Road, T.Wiang A.Muang, Chiang Rai 57000. Their telephone number: 053-719279-80. Check out Google map below for the exact location of this hotel:



1. This info was obtained from the article “The History of Moon and Sun Hotel” posted in the hotel lobby.

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