
Wedding Prep: PAF Aerospace Museum

Who would have thought that a museum can also be a venue for wedding reception?

I know that museums are good for educational trips or as stop-over for tourists but never as a venue for parties. So I was surprised and little bit excited, when a photographer that we met in the Wedding Summit told us about the Philippine Air Force (PAF) Aerospace Museum.

PAF Aerospace Museum

I scoured the Internet for information about the PAF Aerospace Museum and my mind was blown away by beautiful pre-nuptial photos that I found. An example would be a prenup shot in Makeup Artists Philippines. Cool photos posted by Anton Diaz on Our Awesome Planet blog enticed me more to visit this museum.

So, one Saturday, me and my Beloved visited the PAF Aerospace Museum to inquire about renting the place for our wedding reception.

I felt giddy the moment we entered the museum. Warplanes welcomed me!

Warplanes in PAF Aerospace Museum

These planes will be good for photos and I bet that our guests will be delighted to see this.

We were immediately informed that the function room of the PAF Aerospace Museum is not allowed for civilian use. To sidestep this prohibition, we were told to look for a backer in the military. The backer or sponsor can be an officer, enlisted man or even a retiree.

What actually enticed us to check this museum as venue for wedding reception is its 5,000 pesos rental fee for 5-hour use. This is quite cheap as compared to other places that we checked, like SM MoA's The Venue that have astronomical price. Another thing is the presence of the old warplanes, which will give our reception a unique feel.

The fee is OK. The presence of old airplanes great. Too bad that I have second thoughts in renting the place because of the horrors that I read on Maqui's blog. I read that the museum admin cancelled her reservation 27 days before her son's birthday party. What's worse is a commenter saying that their reservation was cancelled a week before the event.

Such last minute cancellation is scary and I don't want to experience that. I can't imagine the stress if PAF Aerospace Museum will suddenly cancel our reservation.

We went to the museum despite our knowledge of these horrors. We were hoping that the cancellation policy was already scrapped.

Our hope was dashed to pieces because I read in their “Revocable Permit”, and I quote:

“The PAF Museum Management reserves the right to cancel prior arrangements and to reimburse payments including reservation fee made by the renter for reasons of Command Requirements/Activities. Likewise, the management shall immediately inform in advance the renter of such cancellation at anytime the requested event come into conflict with the Command Activities”

This is disheartening. My decision was final the moment I read this condition in the permit. I will not rent the function room of the PAF Aerospace Museum.

I'd rather forego this unique setting for our wedding reception venue than take the risk of last-minute-cancellation.

Our second attempt to book a wedding reception failed. At least I got the chance to see old warplanes and I will talk about it in the next blog post.


  1. Oh dear!!! Keey trying, don't give up. Hope you will find the best place eventually...

    1. We found one. :-) It is a Chinese restaurant near SM Mall of Asia. What we need now is the money to book the place.

  2. How interestting to do it in a museum but cancelling it days before by the museum is bad. Good luck Ish! All tbe best!

    1. It is bad indeed. That's why we didn't chose this place for our wedding reception.

  3. Oh! I thought you will really hold your wedding reception at this museum! But I think better not take the risk since they can cancel at the last minute! Good luck on finding another venue! : )

    1. This place is unique and I will really book it if there's no "cancellation policy". *SIGH*

      Thank you for your well wishes. :-)

  4. wow nice, i don't know there were such museum
    anyway this somehow reminds me of an upcoming movie planes,

  5. Good thing you read the fine print. You can very be sure and what with other wedding expenses you have to shoulder too, every peso counts.

    Segurista rin ako. I even read contracts that my Husband has to sign just to make sure. Being in HR and exposed to these things really helped make me more critical and analytical. Hehehe!


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